Study of file, Advice & Orientation – visitor

Study of the file, advice and guidance We listen to you to understand your project, your wishes and your expectations by requesting our services. We note your actions already taken or in the process of being taken We appreciate the state of your file We identify the strengths and weaknesses of the file; for the […]

How to prepare for and pass your job interview?

WHAT TO EXPECT Vous apprendrez comment prendre part à une interview à distance Vous saurez comment trouver des informations sur les entreprises choisies Vous apprendrez les gestuelles, comment interagir et répondre aux questions Vous aurez la liste des questions posées par les employeurs Vous apprendrez comment prendre part à une interview à distance Vous saurez […]

How to find reliable jobs abroad?

WHAT TO EXPECT You will know reliable sites to find jobs ︎You will know how to use job boards effectively You will learn to recognize a real company, a real employer Order now

Filling out the I-212 form and preparing the files

We listen to you to understand your situation and the reasons for this restriction We review your case by going over the information you have already provided in previous visits We try to find ways and means to have these restrictions lifted and to give you access to the USA again We give advice and […]

Completion of Form N-400 & Payment of Fees

We fill in the N-400 for you by means of a camera in order to show the greatest transparency and care in our work. Alternatively, we can assist you in filling in your form with a camera. We make sure that the information provided is clear and understandable We make sure that it is accurate, […]

Full coaching

We can find you jobs based on your skills, make your application, follow you through the rest of the process once you are accepted – We help you to design a cover letter and a Canadian CV – We study your file with your CV – We look for job offers  – We make sure […]

Partial coaching

We can find you jobs according to your skills, apply together for you– We help you to design a cover letter and a Canadian CV– We study your file with your CV– We look for job offers– We make sure that your field of expertise matches the offers- We apply for you and follow up […]

Sponsor & Hosting – dv

Sponsor & Hosting Finding a sponsor in the US is very difficult, we do not sponsor or host at this time. Nevertheless, We analyze your specific case in terms of your finances, the shape of your family We orientate you so that you can easily and quickly integrate We find people who are willing and […]


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